miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

Activities for children. Games: Guess who I am.

"Guess who I am" is a funny activity to enhance speaking skill. This activity is done in pairs.

Activities for kids
Guess who I am

Duration: 30 minutes.

Description: One of the students choose a kid from the other slide: Robert, Susan, Elizabeth, Michael, Daniel, Ann, Mary or JohnThe other student have to guess it asking questions. After that, they change the roles. Are you ready?

This is an example:
-Is it a boy or a girl? A girl
-Has she got blue eyes? Yes, she has
-Has she got a skirt? No, she hasn´t
-Has she got a ponytail? No, she hasn´t
-Does she like playing football? Yes, she does.
-Is she Helen? Yes, she is Helen.

To learn new vocabulary: skirt, shorts, plait, ponytail, cap, volleyball, baseball and so on.
To know how to do questions.
To know how to answer questions.
To practise speaking.
To practise grammar structures.
To enjoy the activity.

Vocabulary about sports, clothes, physical appearance, grammar structures and questions.

Teacher, pupils and a slide with the drawing of the kids.

Teacher evaluates the effort of the students to speak in English. Teacher evaluate their capacity of asking, their answers, their fluently and accuracy but do not intervene in the conversation. 

Activities for kids. Storytelling. Cinderella.

Kids love tales. They like listening the same story over and over again. I propose a storytelling activity for improve listening and speaking skills. The chosen tale is Cinderella.

Cinderella Disney

Cinderella is an appropriate tale for second course of Primary Education (seven or eight years old) for several reasons. First of all, children know this tale and this circumstance is a great advantage. Moreover, the story has an interesting vocabulary that children can learn and, finally, the main objects of the tale are easier to bring to the classroom.
I propose to tell the children Cinderella story while I show them different objects that appear in the tale.
glass slipper zapatito de cristal
Glass slipper

Magic wand

At the end of the class, children may enjoy with the Ball dance of the film or perhaps with the whole movie.

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

How to teach the different sounds? Jolly Phonics

If you want to teach the different sounds in English (42 sounds), you can use an interesting and funny method: Jolly Phonics.
The Jolly Phonics Alphabet
The Jolly Phonics Alphabet

The five skills taught in Jolly Phonics:
1. Learning the letter sounds
2. Learning letter formation
3. Blending
4. Identifying the sounds in words
5. Tricky words

The sounds are taught in a specific order (not alphabetically). The letter sounds are split into seven groups.

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

Activities for Christmas. Write a letter to Santa Claus or Wise Men

In my opinion, Christmas time is a good opportunity to teach our kids activities related with it.
I propose to write  a letter to Santa Claus or Wise Men.
Wise Men (Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar)
Wise Men
For first, second and third course of Primary Education I recommend the following letter. Children only have to fill the gaps.
Letter to Santa Claus
Letter to Santa Claus
For fourth, fifth and sixth course of Primary Education, children can write a letter to Santa Claus or Wise Men.
You have to explain the parts of a letter: openings, body, endings... Bellow, you will find and example.
Parts of an informal letter
From my point of view, this activity is very useful to enhance writing skill. What do you think? I await your comments.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Siete consejos para disfrutar en Disneyland Paris

Se acerca el buen tiempo y la época de viajes. Si tienes niños en casa, ¿qué lugar mejor que Disneyland Paris? Está muy cerca pero no deja de ser un viaje caro que incluye el coste del avión, el hotel, las entradas al parque, los caprichos de los niños... A continuación, os ofrezco unos consejos útiles para disfrutar de Eurodisney sin gastar demasiado tiempo ni dinero.

Consejos para disfrutar en Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

¿Qué es Ácido Fólico?

Según la wikipedia, el Ácido Fólico es una vitamina hidrosoluble del grupo de vitaminas B necesaria para la formación de proteínas estructurales y hemoglobina. Si la mujer tiene suficiente ácido fólico en el cuerpo antes de quedarse embarazada, esta vitamina puede prevenir deformaciones en la placenta que supondrían el aborto, defectos de nacimiento en el cerebro, y espina bífida. Por eso, cuando estás planeando quedarte embarazada, todos los ginecólogos recetan este complemento. Pero Ácido Fólico no es sólo una vitamina. También es el libro que más me ha hecho reír en mi vida.

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Cinco actividades divertidas para hacer en casa con niños

La lluvia es necesaria, eso está claro, pero llevamos unas cuantas semanas ¡pasadas por agua!. Yo soy casera, lo reconozco, pero ¿qué hacemos con los niños? Un rato pueden estar viendo la tele pero ¿y después? Ellos se aburren y el día puede hacerse muy largo... Os propongo cinco actividades divertidas para jugar con los peques en estos días de lluvia.

Juegos en familia
El mítico "Tragabolas", ahora en versión "Pirañas"